fish tank smell


OK heres my ? I have a 75 gal reef ...eheim 2217 . What should I use to get rid of this smell ? Is it good to use carbon ? I do have a skimmer on the tank Red Sea . Everything looks ok in the tank everything is alive.


What does it smell like? Is it foul? Check for ammonia, maybe. Water changes will help if it's a water quality issue.


smells Like dead fish ..
water test ok
ammonia 0
nitrate 0
phos below .10
I did change the MH bulbs and ballast last week . I have 760 watts


Well-Known Member
A dead fish smell means that something is dead and decaying in your tank. Change water and see if you can find what died. A healthy tank should not smell like that.


Originally Posted by rolling_g
OK heres my ? I have a 75 gal reef ...eheim 2217 . What should I use to get rid of this smell ? Is it good to use carbon ? I do have a skimmer on the tank Red Sea . Everything looks ok in the tank everything is alive.
throw a few bags of chemipure in there and some water changes and it should be ok . also check for missing or dead fish .