fish that eat flatworms


Active Member
Hi Guys,
Just wondered, those fish that do eat flatworms, how come the toxic stuff released into the tank when they naturally die, doesnt affect the fish? Surely its the same toxin...or are certain species like madarin and wrasse immune?


So they say mandarins, leapard wrasse and a specific nudibranch will eat those pesky flatworms.
News in my town - My local LFS called me yesterday for information about flatworm exit. I visited his store the other day and commented about the flatworms that are taking over two of his 250 gallon coral ponds. I was talking about it with one of his employees and what can be done about it. I mean these 250 gallon dysplays were being completely overun with these bad boys, rocks and substrate completely covered in flatorms..I should go take some pics of it, it looked like a nightmare.
Next day he was calling me up for advice :thinking: He was looking for oomid which I believe they quit making two or three years ago, unless someone can correct me.


Active Member
OK great thanks guys.
I have a bigger infestation that I thought, ive been looking at my tank through just 03actinics the past 5 days whilst my new canopy with new bulbs is being built, but now I look closer there are far more.
I have bought a Mandarin on the off-chance it might find them tastey, no harm done particularly if it doesnt like them, hopefully i have enough pods etc to keep it filled.
Yup ive seen the results in photos with kip and fwexit does seem the best by far.
Kip - what was the dosage again? Im not sure how much I have left in that ammonia bottle, i only have used it once. I need enough really for a 2 treatments, as I have found out, one isnt enough. Good news is I can buy some when I am in the states end of February!
A fish store the other side of my principality (where my parents went) said that there is a drug you can get prescribed from the vet and it knocks them dead like fwexit. Im trying to get hold of the name and ill let you know...


Active Member
are you sure its 1 drop per gallon from the ammonia bottle you gave me? i dont remember it being that much....that would be 60-70 drops for me...
btw the product for flatworm which the guy in lfs said is called 'Concurat'....any ideas?


Active Member
ok ive just spent ages searching all my threads since Nov 11 and cant find any, so we must have talked about it :( on AIM.
Can you tell me on the instructions what it says, and I will work it out? Or better still how many drops from the original bottle is a ml?
Thanks buddy!
btw if I send you the money over paypal again do you reckon you could send me more of the stuff?