Fish to eat algae


New Member
I have a 65 gallon saltwater tank. In it, I have a 3inch Blue Spotted Puffer, 2 clownfish, and a small yellow tang. The algae is really hard to keep up with and the puffer eats the snails very quickly. Are there any small fish I could add to clean up the sand at least? Thanks!


New Member
Just some friendly advice about SAE's. If you get SAE make absolutely sure you get true Siamese algae eaters because you would not want false and definitely not those horrible Chinese algae eaters. Chinese algae eaters get big and they are MEAN and contrary to their name, they don't eat algae. Many, many many many many many many MANY places falsely label flying foxes/false algae eaters as Siamese and most only carry those terrible Chinese algae eaters. Look up Google how to tell the difference between flying foxes and SAE because they look similar.

SAE will eat Black beard algae which I have no doubt you'll get, bristle nose pleco prefer to eat bio-film on surfaces and fish food personally I view them to be terrible "algae eaters" I imagine if they were never fed they'd eat it but they prefer fish food and Vegetable over algae.