Fish Trap??

I did something really stupid.... HOw many times have we heard THAT here..LOL
I bought a greenbird wrasse... Its actually a blue fish , but I think its a greenbird. Well, anyway, I didnt have much of a clean up crew when I bought it.... Well, since I decided to buy a CUC because I needed it, I did. Even though I had my doubts, The LFS guy said it wouldnt eat them!!! He may just pick at them ( A BIG MAYBE) WHAT WAS I THINKING???!! Maybe he's a cool fish?? Ya, that was it!
I put them in and the Darn fish went MAD..... He was in heaven... he started attacking my CUC.... Just the small blue legs, but he WANTS THEM!
I need to catch him but he is SO QUICK and I have about 100 lbs of LR in there.. I remember using a domino damsel to cycle my tank YRS ago and I had to remove almost ALL the rock to get that

out!... I read something somewhere about fish traps..... Anyone know what I can do?
OR AM I SCR^&&*ED?? I am SO MAD AT MYSELF.... I have always been so good about "thinking: before buying, Obviously NOT this time! :mad:
Thanking you kindly, Kim


Don't worry about making a mistake with your fish. I would bet most people on this board has made that type of mistake. Sometimes it is out of your control, like just that fish's behavior.
Anyway, try a coke bottle. Cut the top off a couple of inches below the hole. Then turn it around so it looks like the hole is inside the bottle. Then put some piece of meat or something that will attract the fish into the bottle. The main thing is be sure he can fit thru the opening. You will have to watch the bottle, but once he's in. Just pull it up and viola captured!
You can do a search here too for some other ideas.
Or last resort....take the LR and chase him around with the net.