Fish traps please

don trinko

Good luck; several tricks 1. us 2 big nets and try to get it before it gets to the rock. 2. Turn the light on in the dark and catch the fish before it's eyes adjust. This only works if the fish doesn't hide in the rocks when it's dark.
Don t.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish
are there any good fish traps to catch a damsel. that aggressive little ......
I have seen fish traps work but you have to devote time to be ready to closet the trap door
And you did mean traps and not tricks


Well-Known Member
I don't know about traps - but if you have a blow dart gun, that works pretty good.
just put the dart gun in the water, line it up as well as you can and blow hard. That little guy should have a needle through him and stunned. Sometimes they live! Tough little suckers.
Far as fish traps - there are some, but you really do have to have time and be ready for them when they swim into it.


I have a big tank (10') so the idea of chasing a fish just isn't happening. Consequently I've come to rely on a passive trap:
I take a large throwing net and gently place it over the rockwork and have one end out of the water.
Go back to business as usual, feeding fish in the normal manner and they'll begin to treat the net as scenery. Eventually you'll see the target fish swimming above the net. Pick up the other end and he's trapped.
There might be 8 other fish trapped in the same net but you're not using the big net for removal, simply to keep anyone from swimming into the rocks so you can hand net him out of the big net.


Active Member
First you need to be prepared for the fact that you may catch your other fish.
You can effectively "fish" for it using a very small hook with the barb filed down.
You can build a "heart" trap out of stiff mesh. My fine artwork is below.
Basically this is a long rectangular piece of plastic mesh. There are two larger square pieces of mesh. Cable tie the long rectangular piece in basically a heart shape, and then the other square to the top.
You will place bait in the trap of some sort - cube of food, etc, and the fish will swim in but will likely have a hard time getting out.
You can also try a similar bottle trap - basically a 1 liter or so plastic soda bottle or maybe juice bottle since it has a bigger opening. Cut the top 1/3 off or so, and invert into the bottom of the bottle. then cable tie it together. Put bait in there and again the fish will likely have a hard time getting out.



Haha I've used the soda bottle trick before. I got one. Not the mean fish I wanted. It works sometimes. The mean damsel was a pain. Took all LR out. Good luck


Active Member
I just saw a video on youtube about this.
A group of people at a drs office where trying to catch one using a plastic box. They cuaght him eventually


I tried to leave a small net in my tank and let the fish adapt to it. The other fish were cautious but eventually got used to it. The fish I was tring to catch, a royal dottyback just seemed to know that it was for him and never fell for it, or at least for what I saw. Ended up taking all the lr out and getting it. What a mess that was for such a little fish. Would have waited longer but he was constantly hating on the other tankmates. Calvertbill's idea seems to be well worth a try.
I have used the soda bottle trap several times, including for damsels, with good results. I always ended up trapping a couple fish I didn't want to trap at first, but the trap is easy to reset and I always got the fish I was going for in the end. The longest it ever took was a week.
LOL. Get a large mirror and large net. Get his attention with the mirror. This will draw him out of his hole. Move him towards a opening in your aquarium. The mirror will let him see his own reflection and he'll attack the side of the glass. Slide the net in behind him (i put the net in first, just set it on the live rock to the side). and when he is distracted, grab him quick! lol. took me six times! That was the first time. I'm not even bothering now. My clown has got half his tail already. He'll get slow eventually