fish vs. seahorse


Active Member
There aren't any really good tank mates for seahorses. the main reason being, is the slow rate that seahorses eat. Any tank mate, including pipe, would out eat the seahorse. Causing the seahorse to slowly starve.
Seahorses digestive system is not very efficient~ they to not have a stomach, just one long intestinal tube. That is why it is so important that they are well fed, and hence why they make so much more waste. There are lists of tank mates, but I'd start with the seahorse and wait a while.


I have 3 reidi captive bred ponys, 1 long nose hawkfish, 1 purple firefish, 1 scooter dragonette, 1 algae blenny, 1 yellow wrasse, 2 perc clowns and 2 cardinals. they all get along fine just make sure the ponys get enough to eat, which is simple to do.
I'm not sure how wild caught ponys would do with other fish though



mysis shrimp through a turkey baster.
Small fish can only eat so much anyways so its not hard to make sure everyone eats, the ponys eat the shrimp off the bottom of the tank and most of the rest eat from the middle