fish wish list


I'm going to be doing a peaceful tank .. about 4 weeks away.. :)
but this is my wish list.. for a 55 gallon.. too many fish? could i have more? will they get along???
coral beauty angel
royal gramma
bicolor pseudochromis (but i just read a post on here saying that some of you dont recommend them)
midas blenny
pink spotted shrimp goby
and a pair of clownfish (not sure which ones yet)

sinner's girl

All are hardy fish. I think they'll get along, but I've never had any of them expect the clowns. That's 7 fish. I wouldn't add anymore, but that's me.
You can add the pair of clowns together, but add everyone else one at a time waiting 4-6 between adding a new fish. Test your water before adding a fish.
Good luck.


New Member
From everything I have read, the royal gramma and pseudochromis won’t get along. It’s either one basslet or one pseudochromis. But again, that’s just what I have read. Everything else looks good though.



i agree... the bicolor pseudo and the gramma wouldnt be good together. Also why would you want the two fish that look basically the same? Just my $.02 but i think you find something else that would fit in.