fish with personality?


I got a 150gal tank. So far I have a maroon clown, a firefish and just added a royal gamma. The only fish that I see on a regular basis is the clownfish. The firefish hides 90%of the day. God knows where the the royal gamma is. I hope he will come out tomorrow. What fish will be more likely to be swimming about in the open water? Some of the fish that I like is: regal tang, yellow tang, manderine gobie, flame angel, and blue green reef cromias. It just make me laugh when I show people my tank and think to myself...........yep, I got 20 bucks sitting right below that rock.


Active Member
Good open swimmers that I like: Yellow Tang, Tomato Clown, Pygmy Cherub Angel. Some will tell you to keep an eye on the Pygmy but mine has never touched any of my corals!


Active Member
A Lawnmower Blenny will probably skip around the rockwork all day. When you get close to the tank........he will probably get right up to you and stare you down with the stink eye.



flame hawk is the fish with the most personality and will be in sight 80% of the time(shrimps on the other hand won't). His eyes will swivel around and follow you all the time. He hangs out everywhere. Even upside down at times. Comical expression always had me smiling. Unfortunately he liked shrimps and chased one right out of the tank onto the carpet. After his demise I bought a flame angel and though a beautiful fish it is not as cool as my flame hawk.
Another favorite and active fish is percula


I have 2 tangs,yellow and blue, perc. clown, mandarin and watchman gobies. They are always out and about, and love to be noticed. Perhaps it just takes time for everyone to be comfortable?
Quick question, are firefish happier in pairs or more? Thanks


Active Member
I second the Lawnmower Blenny. By far the MOST active fish in my tank, plus he is beneficial in eating microalgae. Besides how can you turn him down with a face like the last pic in Rye's post? He is saying "Please take me home . . . pleeaaasseee":D Very cool fish either way


thanks for the info. The royal gamma came out. He is pretty cool. I think the firefish is just upset at me when I called him dumbs**t after the 3rd day of having him he wound up going through the eggcrate and into the overflow (filterless pretty scary)
I never knew lawnmower blemies looked so cool. Thanks for the pic ryebread.