Fish you can keep in a 55- tank

master 33

I have learned the hard way and plan to be the official new member of the "tang police" Though my yellow tang has been more than sucessfull in my 3 foot 40 gal for 7 months now I got ahead of myself and bought a tiny 3 inch baby achilles tang. He did well untill the 3rd day and started showing minor signs of ich, then on the 4th day he died, no others in my tank had ich...just him.
My point being I learned the hard way....follow the reccomended tank allowances. Very few tangs can be held in 55- tanks. Kole and Yellow are the only two that come to mind. But I would like to make this thread to inform others...especialy newcomers to the hobby of fish that are acceptable in 55- tanks. There really are many beautiful and just plain interesting fish that can be enjoyed in smaller tanks. For instance I would like to start off the thread with the firefish goby. Not only is is beautiful, its cheap too. Please list others that are acceptable and cool in smaller tanks...not just nano tanks but 20-55 gals. Thanks...if the thread turns out well it might make a decent sticky for newcomers.


Add some clowns, or maybe even an eel.
Stay Cute
:jumping: :help: :cheer:


New Member
I wouldnt recomend a lion I had mine and he died in 2 weeks he wouldnt eat and I tried everything sooo avouid a lion

master 33

smaller lions do well in 40 - 55G tanks. Im also partial to the royal gramma basslet. Hardy, beautiful, and also not too pricey.:happyfish


New Member
Heniochus black & white butterflyfish do well in 50 and up, along with cardinalfish, lots of gobies, dwarf angels, and basslets.


a fish i didn't think i would like even though people on here said i should get one is the sixline wrasse. my wife got me one for fathers day and it is really cool. we call it the ghost fish because it blends in with the colors of the live rock and is always swimming in and out of the tunnels in the rock. they are very active fish, and more colorful than the pictures show.
she also got me a canary fang blenny, which is also a cool fish.



Originally posted by Marinebio2
I wouldnt recomend a lion I had mine and he died in 2 weeks he wouldnt eat and I tried everything sooo avouid a lion

What type of lion?And if you got it at the LFS you should have check and see what the lion was eating.


New Member
I LOVE my six-line wrasse!!!! One of the funniest, most personable fish I have ever had. I love the way it interacts with my other fish and pokes in and out of the live rock. A must have!!

master 33

Heniouchus butterfly is an excellent example! Quite beautiful and larger than most of the other fish we are told to keep in these tank sizes. I will probably end up with one:D I would love a puffer but I dont want my corals chomped on.