

Active Member
maybe some gobies, like one or two. firefish are cool, make sure you have a good lid on the tank though.


Active Member
You're going to be somewhat limited as you don't have much swimming room. You need fish which don't require a lot. Cardinals are good, like the Banggai (sp) which can be kept as a pair. Perhaps a watchman goby would work well. You just don't have much room in that guy. Check out the forum for nano tanks, those people are much better at the smaller ones.


I think u shouldn't get a gramma, or maybe mine is just agressive b/c it attacked my firefish for a few days and it is a total bee-atch, but firefish are cool.


Alot of the gobies will work well. Clowns gobies, watchmen, fire fish, many of the shrimp gobies. If you have a deep sandbed you could do a jawfish but only with 4" or more.