Fishin' for a Yellow-Tailed Damsel


Think I'm gonna have to go fishing tonight. My yellow-tailed Damsel keeps charging after my two new Mated Perc. Clowns. The male (the smaller of the two) is finally getting some balls and swimming amongst the tank, but the Female (the bigger one) will not move far away from the one corner of the tank. I am trying to get them to find the Anemone but it is on the other side of the tank from where they are at. The Damsel calmed down a bit last night after a while but then this morning the percs were still at the one end of the tank. The male will sometimes make a quick lap around the tank but thats it. Think they're afraid of the Damsel. Don't want a $2 fish stressing and killing my $60 pair of mated percs. Here is an excerpt from a post I found on the newsgroups about an idea to get the damsel out. Tried with a net for about 1.5 hrs. last night and got nothing :)
You think this will work (below)? Let me know and give me some suggestions!
Newsgroup Post Below
I had some private responses to my message wanting details on my trap so
here it is. I used a 1 liter clear plastic bottle, cut the drinking end
out making the opening about 3" in diameter, punch (2) or (3) 1/4" holes
in the bottom to let water circulate thru it, next punch a very small hole
at the 3" opening end and tie monofillament fishing line thru the hole,
take a large "ziplock" baggie and place it over the open end of the bottle
leaving at least 3" hanging over the open end of the bottle, secure the
baggie using another length of fishing line very tight to the bottle, cut
the end out of the baggie, use the line tied to the bottle and tread it
around the perimeter of the baggie, stiches should be 1/2" to 1" appart
and about 1/4" from the edge. Place a rock in the bottle to hold it
horizontal on the bottom of the tank, I used frozen brine in the bottle as
bait. Let the target fish go at least half way inside the bottle and yank
on the string! The end of the baggie should be like a "drawstring" and
close the end so they cant escape. It helps if you melt the small hole
where you tie the line so it doesn't rip thru. Heat a nail or similar to
make the hole.
I hope this helps, I caught 3 Damnsels using this, 1 on the first try and
the other 2 at the same time on the second! Happy fishing


sounds like something to try. I just had to tear down my rock work to get 2 damsels out. And after thinking about it for about 5 minutes i decided they are not worth putting back into the main tank. But good luck on catching them and hoepfully you will not have to do what i have to do. I caught all the fish in about 10 minutes....EXCEPT the yellow one and that $@(*&#*@
took forever to catch.


Yeah impossible to catch with a net having 95lbs of LR :)
Hopefully the bottle trap works.. Crossing my fingers.


Good luck with the bottle trap. I also learned the hard way on getting those littles suckers out. What I ended up doing was moving all my Lr to one side of the tank, let the fish hide in that, put down a screen barricade in the middle of the tank, and then moved each piece of rock to the other side thus leaving the fish alone. The only reason I caught the fish then was because it tired itself out laughing at me. Live and learn :)


Is it really that big of a worry? Would it really end up stressing out my new percs so much that they die? Was going to tackle it tonight but would like them to have at least a few days to maybe start getting along. Maybe when one of the percs gets some balls and fights back the damsel will chill out for a while. Both percs are bigger than the damsel.


My damsels were VERY aggressive and ruled the tank (the reason I wanted them outta there). I have never had any clown fish so I don't know how they would react. Mine would nip at tangs that were at least twice their size and attack just about any new addition.


What a PITA.. Well I'll see how it all looks tonight and i'll come back for a progress update :)
Going to pick up a 1 ltr. water bottle on my way home and some fishing line and try to make a trap..
Guess I could always take him back to the LFS for a $2.99 credit, lol. Probably not worth my time. Might as well just flush the thing if I get it.


my blue damsel wasnt agressive at all. My yellow damsel was ok with the other fish unless they came to his cave. Anything that came by his cave he would attack. Even my CBS....but he only did that once.....and almost lost his life.


Yes, Berg, the stress from the Damn-sel may induce a disease. Think that's why your clowns (usually active swimmers) cower in the corner!?!? I'd say rat poison but you want the others to live!!!Try the trap.


Just wanted to let you all know my yellow-tailed damsel is now a lot calmer than it was last night. The percs are now swimming all around the tank with no worries at all. They swim right up to the YT damsel and he doesn't even look at them, lol. I examined their fins to make sure everything looked good and nothing was torn from them possibly fighting while I wasn't home today and all is good. Now hopefully within the next week or two they will take to my anemone! Thanks again for your help.


Yeah I am still thinking about it. Might try to get him out tonight. Will keep everyone updated. Thanks for all the suggestions!