Hi guys
Well heres my new 110 gallon. Its going to be a reef. I will get my supplies this week. (Already ordered the stuff) Then this week I'm going to order 50 lbs of lr from here.
And has anyone seen this granite color on a tank before?
Originally Posted by fishkid2 http:///forum/post/2594784
If I told you what size tank that is. The tang police would be all over it.
But now I have a bigger tank for them so thats good.
Let me guess!!! is it umm...hmm... a 30 gallon? lol
anyways cant wait to see your new tank be set up!!!
also WOOT!!! another minnesotan!!! =) how long have u been in the hobby?
Thanks guys almost have it running. Just letting some silicone cure on the overflow. One of the orings is kind of bad. Have the tank filled up with freshwater.
I have been in this hobby for about 2-3 years
I'm putting in a homemade spraybar behind the rocks and pointing it upwards once I get the rocks.
you can see me in the pic lol
yes this tank is very tall. Its 48"l,18"w by 29"h.
Also is there any other way to put sand in without clouding the tank up for a couple days except from rinsing it first to get out the dust?
if you don't mind me asking, what did you pay for the tank? I was looking into getting one to replace my 75, but in my area the price is triple for the extra height, around $500.
The frame of the tank looks very nice. That is something I've never seen before. I'm not a fan of the HOB overflows however, but I understand that you must use them sometimes.
Originally Posted by Brandan http:///forum/post/2596439
The frame of the tank looks very nice. That is something I've never seen before. I'm not a fan of the HOB overflows however, but I understand that you must use them sometimes.
yeh I never saw this frame like this on a tank before either