

New Member
I am at lost for what is happening to my fishes. I've had a tank running since January. I 've had a few fishes die on me, but I can't understand the disappearence of two of my fishes. The first was my clown fish. Had it a month or so, and one day it disappeared. Then this morning I noticed my coral beauty gone too...the same way the sign of the body, bones, nothing. My question is...if it died during the night, is it possible that the snails devour the fish that fast? I've had my clearner shrimp molted many times and always find the skin...but I am at lost for the disappearances of these fishes. I also have a blue tang and neon gobie left. I have no clue to why the fishes die, but I am at lost to where they disappeared too.
I am ready to give up on the tank with the unexplained situation...especially with the coral beauty that I have had since Jan. I can only conclude that someone comes to my house during the night and fishnap them.


Active Member
...Ever hear any loud snapping noises from your tank at night?
You may have a mantis shrimp. Pple go for months and months without knowing these devils are there.
It could also be something else hiding u have a lot of live rock?


New Member
Hi, I am the other half of ID52. Yes, we do have live rocks. It is so upsetting to me that the clownfish and now the coral beauty have simply disappeared. No signs of any parts of there body (is that the word) anywhere. How can they simply disappear. The coral beauty was fine the other night.
I don't hear any snapping sounds at night..for the fish tank is in the other room. You talk about this Mantis big is it? What should be do? Clean out all the live rocks? This is starting to be something from the Twilight Zone.
I would truly appreciate more information on this. I hate to give up my tank if this is going to continue to happen.


Active Member
Mantis is a possibilty.. for a pic of one check out the aggressive fish forums and click on 'huge mantis'.. is a few pics of a peacock mantis shrimp there.. you probably wont have one of these.. but there are other similiar species.
Really in a saltwater tank there are TONS of possibilities.. when something dies all your scavengers start going to work.. hermits/crabs/brittle stars/shrimp will quickly pick a corpse clean in only a couple hours. Crabs may even pull the corpse into a hole or under a rock.. a pistol shrimp may pull a dead fish under your rockwork for sure as well... most likely these fish are dying at night and being picked clean by the nocturnal animals before you wake up.
All im saying is dont rule out anything... could be a mantis.. but could be a normal member of your clean-up crew doing its job.


Active Member
How about the possibilty of jumpers? Have you looked "outside" of the tank, behind etc. Some varieties are known to jump out and don't need to much space to do that either. Do you have lids? Just a thought,I may be all wet here but ya never know! And very sorry for your losses! Don't give up.


Active Member
thankfully I've never had experience with this - but MANY people on this board have, they'd probably be able to help you...certainly more than I can.
If you don't get many posts you can always do a search for Mantis Shrimp, etc, and look into the troubles the people around here have had.
If you spend a few nights infront of your tank - like, late nights, with lights off, you might hear the loud cracking sound the shrimp makes when it catches something - then u can be pretty sure that's your problem. There are ways to catch them, as well - but as I said, other people would have more info than I.
Search the forums, I've read countless posts about this same situation.

Hope you figure it out!!


New Member
Well, I have been reading up on these mantis...still not sure if I have one. I don't even know if it's the cleanup crew because I have had 3 clownfishes and another tang die on my, but I've found them dead on the bottom in the mornining. The lastest one..the coral beauty was pretty big..can't imagine the crew devouring it that fast. You would think they would leave something the bones?
Last night in the dark I watched the tank and was surprised to see these little weevils..not sure what they are, they remind me of those little silverfishes you would see in the sand. Also see some type of worms.
This is still a mystery to me. Have NO clue to what to do.
Thanks to all who replied.


Active Member
Originally Posted by IrishPenny
they remind me of those little silverfishes you would see in the sand.
Amphipods, they are good things.