fishy friends


New Member
I have a 125gal tank and would like to add some new stock. Right now I have
a yellow tang one nemo and and a por puffer. I would like to add a Humu Humu a niger trigger and a lion. What else can I add with these fish?


Active Member
You will need to decide if you want to go reef or aggressive. You, IMO are trying to mix the wrong fish.


New Member
I am not sure, that is why I am asking. Can I have the puffer and the lion? Are they aggressive? With the puffer and the lion what else can I have?


Originally Posted by Fishymom
I am not sure, that is why I am asking. Can I have the puffer and the lion? Are they aggressive? With the puffer and the lion what else can I have?
Puffers and triggers like to bite a lions long fins. Not a good match IMO


New Member
Thanks-I already have the puffer so what else can I put in? My husband likes
the bigger showy fish so that was why I was thinking about the triggers and the lions. Any thing else that can go in there and be of the bigger kind?