fishy friends


I need to know if I can keep both a Green Mandarin and a Psychedelic Mandarin together? I have a green now and have had him for about a month and (s)he is doing great. I have a large powder blue tang, also for about a month and a large yellow tang that at first had little battles with their tails but now
get along fine. I also have a small naso tang that doesn't bother anyone. Would I be able to have an Achillies tang? My little naso tang doesn't look much like the pictures I have seen. As he gets larger will his colors change? Right now he is light gray with faint yellow markings on his face-but no yellow or orange around the mouth. When I first turn on my lights he appears to have white dots on him-which I have read is normal.
Thanks for any help with the above questions.


Active Member
Just my .02
I doubt you would be able to keep a large enough pod population to support two mandarins.
I wouldn't advise any more tangs. Three is plenty already.


Active Member

Originally posted by karajay
Just my .02
I doubt you would be able to keep a large enough pod population to support two mandarins.
I wouldn't advise any more tangs. Three is plenty already.



Thanks-any idea on how long it will take for the fish to mature? Weeks-months-years? I was kinda disappointed to see what (s)he looks like compared to the pictures.


Active Member
Agree on the pods and the mandarin. Your naso could take a couple of years to change colors. Naso's grow to 7 or more inches. What you describe is normal as far as the spots, darkening and that is juvenile colore now. My opinion is you already have one more tang in there than is good considering full grown size.