FishyGurl's Tank Diary!!!


Active Member
it looks some what like a sugar star but not too much it looks texture wise like a Chocolate Chip With Out the "Chips" It's color is the light brown Like the main part of the Chocolate Chip sorry i am trying to be as descriptive as possible.


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been doing some research and the worm looks like a peanut worm but do they all have crowns and can they be green?


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grrrrrrrr no one is answering probably becuase they dont know the answers to my questions??? Ok maybe people will start answering if i aska simpler question like which of my fish to add first my fish list:(Give me an order of adding my fish)
1 Yellow/Canary Wrasse
1 Blackcap Basslet
5 Blue Green Chromis
1 Blue Hippo Tang
1 Flame Angel
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Mandarin Dragonet
2 True Percula Clownfish from the Solomon Islands---Im getting these in about a month.
Any help would be appreciated!


Active Member
Tested Water again and everything was where it should be!
Just went out and bought a Hawaiin Feather Duster! Half of it is a beautiful purple and the other half is a great looking orangy-beige. Just beautiful i will try to posts picks soon of my aqaurium with this other camera but im not sure how to it is not a digital........hmmmm.....????


i won't be much help with anything else but i can advise you not to add the mandarin dragonet for a while. you have to get a good population of pods before you add the dragonet or it will slowly starve. that requires a large tank and at least several months ... probably closer to a year or two. there are a number of good threads on these fish if you're interested in specifics.


Active Member
K, first of all sometimes it can be a while before you get a reply.
It's hard to with such an exciting hobby but patience is a virtue with it. :happyfish I think you said you had a 75?? If so that fish list is way to heavy. Try going with as much as 8. I only have 3 in my 65, and might consider 1 more but I dont want to deal with the trates. Also the lesser amount of fish you have the less of a problem you're going to have with nitrates. Smaller bioloads are usually better.Especially for newbees and reefs. Dont add more than 1 or 2 fish at a time and a few weeks between. The mandarin is going to need some special care in order to maintain it. Dont know about the others except the hippo needs some room, I believe. The worm may be a peanut or spagetti or some other type. It's difficult for someone to answer a question about IDing something even with a pic sometimes. Let alone just a description. Learn to add pics, it'll help you out alot. Starfishy lookin thingy could be alot of things. Please dont add any other inhabitants untill the trites are gone and you see trates. The feather duaster might not make it. I cant really believe you had .25 trites this morning and then this evening you had 0...Maybe I guess but it doesnt seem right. Can you post you readings? I mean you just say , eveythings where it should be.
you shipped LR is likely to cause a big spiked. If you were done cycling allready. A cycle usually take 3 weeks to 2 months.


Active Member
ok what about this as my fish list
1 Yellow/Canary Wrasse
1 Blackcap Basslet
1 Blue Hippo Tang
1 Flame Angel
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Mandarin Dragonet
and 2 True Percs.
Thats 8 so should that be good?


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So far so good with all the hitchhikers on my live rock! And with my B-E-A-Utiful Feather duster! But can feather dusters split into 2 like mushrooms? Im not sure if it really is 2 but it kinda looks like it is...hmmmmmmmm...??? Well anyways it still is beautiful and i love it! Can't wait to get my clowns in a month not sure if i will get any fish before then. As soon as i get money hopefully before i get my clowns i am going to get a PH test kit, Nitrate test kit, and a Calcium test kit. Should that be good as far as test kits because i will have a Salinity (Hydrometer),Ammonia,Nitrite,Nitrate,Calcium,PH. Is that good?


Active Member
1 Yellow/Canary Wrasse
1 Blackcap Basslet
1 Blue Hippo Tang
1 Flame Angelfish
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Mandarin Dragonet
and in about a month i will have 2 Solomon Island Clownfish(True Percs)
INVERTS:--(?Too Much or Too Little?)
5 Blue-legged Hermits
5 Scarlet Hermits
5 Hawaiian Zebra Hermits
5 Electric Blue Hermits
2 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Fire Shrimp
5 Peppermint Shrimp
10 Cerith Snails
10 Nassarius Snails
10 Astrea/Turbo Snails
5 Nerite Snails
2 Sand Sifting Starfish---(?or should i get one?)
1 Red Linkia Starfish
1 Purple Linkia Starfish
Will this work???
Anything i need to change?
Anyone who replies even if they answer only one of my questions that would really be appreciated!


please wait for about 6 months to a year on the manderin dragonet. go very slowly with tank cant add all the fish at once but the inverts you can add at any time now...


Active Member
Thanks and I know about the Mandarin I am thinking about getting him in about a year. So far my water tests have been pretty good! I recently got a PH test kit and some calcium(to add to my tank since my calcium was low.)
Ph: 8.2
Nitrite: 0
Ammonia: 0
Salinty: 1.023
and i went to a couple different pet stores and they all said my water was good!


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O ya awhile ago I got a Lawnmower Blenny, About 20-30 Snails (Nassarius and Turbo/ Astrea) I got about 10-15 Hermits too, and I got a Lettuce Nudibranch(which I will eventually will GIVE away once I don't have enough algae for him) And I ordered from there 5 peppermint shrimp(for some reason i got an extra one) but 2 died :( So now i have 4 and they are finally coming out of my caves, each day they come out a little more!
What should I be feeding everything?
Any help would be appreciated!