Fishytimes 20g update pics


Hi guys and gals, bout a month in and all is going pretty good. Had some kick a$$ lr so didnt get much of a cycle at all. So now comes the fun and corals...I'll give u a run down of my set-up. 20g, AC 70 filter (future fuge) AC 50 PH, AC 10 PH, Jager 100 watt heater, Hagen "Glo" 2 x 24 w T5 HO (I'm picking up another 1 tomorrow to make 4 x 24 w) 24 lbs mixed fiji and haitian lr, 10 lbs aragonite sand. Picked up a few corals and a firefish a few days ago to compliment the small CUC (9 zebra hermits, 2 astrea snails, 2 bumblebee snails) I added two weeks ago.
Green mushrooms, and yet to be IDed orange zoas.

Xenia pieces I got at a local auction.

Red rim yellow center zoas, and green palys

Pink palys and green star polyps

And the FTS

Thanks for looking. Any coments, sugestions or critiques are welcome.


Love those mushrooms! I have a 20L and I never really considered it a nano, lol, but I guess it is!


Thanks guys. I started the tank with tap water, so will do the next few W/Cs with RO to try and get a handle on it


Hey zanoshanox what kind of clown is that in your avatar? its absolutly stunning.Is it in one of your tanks or is it just for show?


Have added a few things over the last 3 weeks.1st pic of the birdsnest was 3 weeks ago and the 2nd was today.



Was startin to think about my next fish to be added in a month or two after I move and things settle. Lfs suggested a bi-color blenny, but everything I've read says a min of 30g for these guys. What do you all think? Alternative sugestions would be great. Also not sure bout how many fish total. Would 4 be pushin it in a 20g?


Originally Posted by joojoo
What about a Cherub Pygmy Angel?
Thanks for the suggestion joojoo. Very pretty fish, but I think that a 20g might be a titch to I would really like a yasha goby but I've never seen 1 up here in the great white north, and the paperwork is a huge hassel to get live critters across the border. Plus the shipping costs are massive.
Thanks for the comp VTi. Still have a long way to go to compare to some of the tanks on this site. I still have 1 or 3 must have corals that I would like to add(ricordia, favia, and 1 or 2 killer zoas like PPEs, AOGs, or blues). Then I will start letting the tank fill in. Some more update pics.



How can you make a AC power filter a fuge. They do have large backs but do you think they will be very effective? The only reason I ask is I just started a 20 gal nano and was thinking how i can have a fuge without a sump. I have a AC 50 and don't see how it could be affective.


One more question. How are your corals doing under that lighting. I also have a current 4x24 watt T-5 fixture. It looks real bright but not sure how well they are.


Originally Posted by ejensen
One more question. How are your corals doing under that lighting. I also have a current 4x24 watt T-5 fixture. It looks real bright but not sure how well they are.
Sorry ejensen ...moved this past month and havent been checking the forums much. I'm really happy with the lights and pleasantly surprised I must say. There are several threads on modifying an AC into a fuge, try searching it out. Will post a few updated photos tommorrow to show that my corals seem to be happy with the light too.