Fission Nano Skimmer Review Needed


Guy at my LFS gave me a good deal on one. I just set it up yesterday. It was kind of a pain in the butt. The elbows that came with it didn't fit so I had to do some slight mods. Also, I have a 14 gal Bio-Cube, the guy at the store told me to stick it in the wet/dry compartment. I am 6 foot 6 with huge hands, reaching into a 4 inch square and figgiting around with tubing and such is not the easiset thing to do. But after a good struggle I finally won
I haven't looked yet to see the collection, but I'm sure it will help.
Good luck!


Active Member
As with other full sized skimmers there is quite a big variation on worth on this little skimmer. I have three and they do work but water level i the tank needs to be dead constant for them to work ATO is mandatory for best results and fewer headaches. Evenw ith ATO yur gonna get headaches but there is usually light at the end of that tunnel with any problems they cause. long that light stays on is anyones guess,. As already stated the elbows are problematic, but most every other part of it is fine. SOme say the pump is in need of a better one others say its fine. So far knock on wood mine allhave been working like a champ since I installed them, however they do not come close to working like my home brew skimmer does......
The LFS here in town has sold a truck load of them skimmers and has had very few complaints that he revealed to me, but where he used to have a bunch onthe shelf before is now stocked with other products so that may be telling me something that he is not.


Originally Posted by chipmaker
As with other full sized skimmers there is quite a big variation on worth on this little skimmer. I have three and they do work but water level i the tank needs to be dead constant for them to work ATO is mandatory for best results and fewer headaches. Evenw ith ATO yur gonna get headaches but there is usually light at the end of that tunnel with any problems they cause. long that light stays on is anyones guess,. As already stated the elbows are problematic, but most every other part of it is fine. SOme say the pump is in need of a better one others say its fine. So far knock on wood mine allhave been working like a champ since I installed them, however they do not come close to working like my home brew skimmer does......
The LFS here in town has sold a truck load of them skimmers and has had very few complaints that he revealed to me, but where he used to have a bunch onthe shelf before is now stocked with other products so that may be telling me something that he is not.
What are some of the alterative Skimmers that will fit into a Nano? I have a 29g BioCube.


This might take the thread off topic a little, but I just read thru a few online articles about Nano Reefs and Protein Skimmers... They all argue that Protein skimmers are overkill in a Nano Reef and the skimmers will remove too many nutrients along with a large populations of pods and plankton. They also suggest you only need to do 10-15% weekly water changes to remove anything bad.
I’m now thinking I might drop the skimmer idea all together.


Active Member
Can't really see how they would remove pods, or all the so called essential elements a its been proven that its pretty well impossible to overskim. IMHO a skimmer is even a better idea on a smaller tanksa water quality can go to he double ell in a heart beat. Folks also tend to try and fit a bushel in a peck in these nano tanks as well. IMHO a skimmer is worthwhile in any tank regardless of its capacity.
The Sanders Piccolo is a perfect ittle skimmer that will fit the 12 gal and up cubes that does indeed skim good. Its air powered but it works. Yu can also fit a small sized Lee Counter current skimmer in them as well and in a 29 can probbaly gowit the mid sized Lee Skimmer, which are also air powered and do work fine as long as water levels are kept within reason and air stones (limewood block) are kept clean or changed out...about every 3 or 4 months or so.


29 gallons is still on the big end of 'nano's so maybe it's a good idea to have one?, I'm trying o decide also as i'm getting the same tank. So let us know if you decide on a skimmer for it. Just don't get that cheap fishion skimmer it gets bad reviews all around. What are you planning on keeping in the 3 chambers?


How abt this skimmer. Sapphire NanoSkimmer any review.
Can we put the smaller version of it.
Than it will not remove too much or over kills.


that sapphire skimmer looks good to me, it's what i'll eventually get. i think I'll run the tank without a skimmer for awhile, maybe until I start adding fish. Which chamber does that skimmer go in, the first one? Does a protein skimmer used in chamber 1 mean that filter floss is not needed at all?


Originally Posted by chipmaker
Can't really see how they would remove pods, or all the so called essential elements a its been proven that its pretty well impossible to overskim. IMHO a skimmer is even a better idea on a smaller tanksa water quality can go to he double ell in a heart beat. Folks also tend to try and fit a bushel in a peck in these nano tanks as well. IMHO a skimmer is worthwhile in any tank regardless of its capacity.
The Sanders Piccolo is a perfect ittle skimmer that will fit the 12 gal and up cubes that does indeed skim good. Its air powered but it works. Yu can also fit a small sized Lee Counter current skimmer in them as well and in a 29 can probbaly gowit the mid sized Lee Skimmer, which are also air powered and do work fine as long as water levels are kept within reason and air stones (limewood block) are kept clean or changed out...about every 3 or 4 months or so.
My main concern is the skimmer removing Pods from my tank.
I have a large Pod supply and a 1 year old Fat Mandarin that I don’t want dying because the Pods were sucked up in the skimmer...
If the skimmers are in deed Pod friendly, then I will get one...


I was at That Fish Place the other day, and they had skimmers on the 24 gallon tanks. The one tank was like a nano cub { Don't reamember the name, sorry} and they had a seaclone skiimer on that one. Then the other was just a regualar tank and they had a coralife 65 protein skimmer on that one. I just orderd a coralife 65 skimmer for my 29 gallon tank 3 days ago, and I am anciously waiting it's arrivel. Hope this helps!


Active Member
I dunno abut the Sapphire line of skimmers. New one on me. I have never seen any reviews or comments on them in all the forums I frequent, and this is the first I have seen them mentioned. For the cost, and what little is divulged about them, I think I would have to wait awhile before I was gonna plunk down that kind of money and be a guinea pig with the thing.