Fitting fish in a 10 gal. tank


New Member
I was wondering if i could fit an anemone and 2 clown fish in a ten gallon tank and also how long should i wait until i can put an anemone in.I have only had the tank for 1 month.SO i hope you guys can help.
AK, :happyfish

sinner's girl

1. you need proper lighting for an anemone and perfect water. Read up on thier care, if you haven't alreay done so.
2. clowns don't need an anemone if that's the reason you want it.
3. anemone needs an established tank, and someone who knows what they are doing.
IMO, I would wait at least 6 months to a year before getting an anemone.
IMO, ten gallons is too small for clowns, but other will say it's fine. My book (Marine Fishes by Scott Michael) says a min of 20-30, depending on which one, for a clown.
Make sure the tank is cycled before adding any fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Saltwater8

Clowns need a Minimum of 30 gallons.
:notsure: One clown needs 30 gallons?


Originally Posted by SaltFan
:notsure: One clown needs 30 gallons?
Yes, from the aquaria doctors site:
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Care Level: Moderate
Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 3"
Color Form: Black, Orange, White
Temperament: Peaceful/Semi-aggressive
Reef Compatible: Yes
Diet: Omnivore


Originally Posted by rogueangel
Check under the Nano page, most people have clowns in 10 gals. My Clarkii is perfectly happy in my 12gal.
First of all..NO, most people (at least ones that know what they are doing) DON'T have clowns in 10 gallon tanks...

Second, does your clarkii have a choice? The same site says the clarkii, wild or tank bred, requires a minimum of 30 gallons also.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rogueangel
Check under the Nano page, most people have clowns in 10 gals. My Clarkii is perfectly happy in my 12gal.
Thats what I was driving at. Yes, he can have a OC Clown in his tank.


Active Member
I was being sarcastic when I made my first reply about the clown in the 10gallon. I knew he could, I was questioning your response as to where you heard he couldn't.


i have 2 ocellaris clowns in my 10 gal.... had one in a 5 gal till i upgraded... they seem really happy! swimming around the tank a ton and eating soooo much! lol. i haven't had anyone tell me it's a bad idea yet... not saying i won't have someone say so. lol.