Fix leak

Hey guys and gals I have a issue that I dont know how to fix we have a 265 perfecto tank that has a leak I bought it used and I have never fixed a leak it is coming from the bottom of the tank can I pick your brains and get some info on how to fix the leak. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by deep_sea_denni
Hey guys and gals I have a issue that I dont know how to fix we have a 265 perfecto tank that has a leak I bought it used and I have never fixed a leak it is coming from the bottom of the tank can I pick your brains and get some info on how to fix the leak. Thanks

To be honest, on a tank that size and the pressure water will create...if it isn't on a seam, I would just use it as a reptile tank.
You can fix a seam..remove all the old silicone and apply it new. Triple double check for leaks after it dries.

small triggers

Active Member
yeah, if its not on a seam its not worth trying to fix,,,, if its in a pane of glass have that whole pane replaced its not worth the possibility of it worsening..


Active Member
Yeah if it's a seam that is leaking, then fixing it shouldn't be a big deal, and with a tank that big it'll be well worth repairing.
Keep in mind that if you have a leak on the bottom, that speaks for the condition of the entire tank, so resealing the whole thing is the best option. It's not all that difficult to do if the tank is empty.
Basically, you'll remove all of the old silicon from the inside corners of the tank. Once that's done, clean all of the edges with rubbing alcohol, use white masking tape to mask off the areas around the seams for good clean lines and just re-apply with silicon. Then, pull off the masking immediately after applying.
For more detailed information, google around. There are plenty of articles that outline this procedure complete with pictures.
The silicon you'll need is GE Silicon I Window and Door. If your tank uses black silicon, you can order it from aquatic ecosystems.

small triggers

Active Member
yep,,, have to agree, it is def. worth it to re-seal it, for like $30 worth of caulk and tape for a tank that big.....and if you have any doubt in your ability, most LFS will come and do it for a per hour labor charge (though its SOOO easy really)
thanks for the info guys I am going to try it after the holidays and if I fail I guess I'll have to fork over the cash to get it done I have always wanted monster tank like this. 265 just imagine what I can put in that.
no not yet I dont want to get my hopes up. Once I get the leak fixed and I am 1000000% it wont leak again I will start stocking with fish.


Thats about the size of it. I just resealed my new (to me) 180. You just need to use good sharp razors and make sure it is good and clean. I did 2 wet tests after 4 days of cure time.
my local fish store said he would reseal it for $125.00 so I guess if I fail at it I can get it resealed by a pro.... 125 is better than $1000 for a new tank ill update progress wish me luck