fixing a 125 stand ???s


New Member
I have a 125. I pulled the siding off the stand so I can reface and make pretty. The question is about the stand itself. 6 foot stand.
I noticed it is made out of 2 by 3s instead of 2 by 4s will this be ok?
Also the corners and uprights are are an assortment of wood sizes. I would like to replace all the corners and uprights with 2 by 3 or 2 by 4s also. It has 3 uprights plus the 2 corners in the front making it hard to put things in or out can I go with just one in center or is it even needed

scopus tang

Active Member
Sounds like you are virtually rebuilding the entire stand. I would recommend on a 6' stand that you maintain a center support, especially with a 2x4 or 2x3 as your support beam. I've seen it done without, with a double 2x4 beam sandwiching a piece of 1/2" plywood (header style), but given the weight of a 100gal+ tank, I personally wouldn't be comfortable even with that; especially given today's lumber quality. JMO.


you can use 2x4 beams for up to a 4 foot expans without a brace, so a 125 (6 feet) you will need at least 1 support. If you use 2x6's it can span up to 6 feet with no braces. I just built (still in proccess) a stand for my 125. Everything is 2x4 except for the top support I used 2x6s. In the picture it is a 2x4 but that has been changed out to the 2x6s. My span was just over 4 feet between the braces you see, so hence the change.