flame anemone?


New Member
i was just wondering if anyone knows what a 'flame anemone' is i've been looking for any decent anemone and all my lfs dont have anything but crapy sebaes. but one place said they were geting some flame anemones in for about $90 to me and $115 to other people but he dosent really know what hes talking about most of the time. can anyone tell me if they ever herd of one? or if that price sounds right anything will help.


Never heard of one, he could be talking about a rose bubble tip anenome. Have you seen it in the store. I would definately see it and i.d. the anenome before buying at that price.


Never heard of one either.
I'd stick with the list in the thread at the top of this forum called: Common host anemones and most frequent clownfish by Thomas712. And stay away from any anemone that is white.
Bubble tips are the more hardy of anemones and accept a variety of clownfish.


New Member
i know it's not a bubble tip cuz he is getting them too. i'm trying to stay away from bubbles i've had 4 rose and they all romed around untill they ether made it to my powerheads or corals and died. my clowns loved them though. but tomarrow 6/23/05 i will see for my self but probly nothing amazing. i will defenitly find out what and if realy cool and worth $90 i will try to get a pic on here.
thanks 4 your replys...


Active Member
Do they have yellow tentacles and a reddish foot? If so, I've seen them at a LFS, and they are sebaes. Not sure about a reasonable price though.


New Member
it has flat tenticals that have like a snowflake pattern i dont think its a hosting anemone. im prity sure it has a red foot with a yellow,white body. i was prity disapointed in it with a name like (flame anemone) and the price that turned out to be $85 you would figure something sweet but nope. but i did get a sweet green bubble. i hope this one dosnt make me 0/5.