Flame Angel and Coral Beauty Angel


Hey guys,
Can a Flame Angel and Coral Beauty angel live in peace in a 55 gallon reef tank. A local fish store of mine has a Coral Beauty angel, its their last Saltwater fish, they have him in a 5" x 5" cube and I feel so bad for him, I want to rescue him, but I have a flame angel already in my tank. He is going to die in that 5x5 cube, you think he will be ok in my 55 gallon tank ?


Active Member
Honestly, probably not. I've only read one post on here about 2 angels in one tank getting along.


New Member
Your angel has already established his territory so the likely hood is not a good one.
Keep in mind that in the wild on the reef a dwarf angels territory ranges 6 to 8ft.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SeaEquus
Your angel has already established his territory so the likely hood is not a good one.
Keep in mind that in the wild on the reef a dwarf angels territory ranges 6 to 8ft.

That's a cool fact...I didn't know that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Johnny84
yeah but the poor thing is only in a 5x5 cube. I feel bad for it, want to save it.

That's really bad of them to have that in that tiny cube. :mad:


Active Member
How long has the flame been in your tank? I had a pygmy in my 75 for 4 months and tried to add a flame and the flame attacked the pygmy, even though it was the new fish. I had to move the flame to another tank, my 55 gallon.


yeah stories like that make me shy away from doing it. My flame has been in my tank for several months now, he nips at my purple fire fish and clowns at times, so I kinda have a feeling he would go after the Coral Beauty.


yeah I agree, but I love my Flame, he is fat and cool. Guess I will have to start another tank just for the Coral Beauty. LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by Johnny84
yeah I agree, but I love my Flame, he is fat and cool. Guess I will have to start another tank just for the Coral Beauty. LOL

Wouldn't it be nice if we could just start a new tank for every fish we want?lol :hilarious


yeah but the poor thing is only in a 5x5 cube. I feel bad for it, want to save it.
I feel the same way everytime I see an animal not being kept humanely but with the state of the world as it is I'd quickly be buried in needy animals!! When I ran rescue I had to hold firmly onto the thought that I CAN'T save them ALL!! Bless you, your heart's definitely in the right place but think with your head. If you buy this coral beauty what message does that send to the shop owner? That apparently putting a coral beauty into a tiny little tank is profitable!! You'll be doing ALL fish a much better turn by not only refusing to buy this fish but marching up to the shop owner and telling him that what he's doing is wrong and you refuse to buy fish from someone who would be that cruel.
I only have 3 stores in my area that sell saltwater fish. One I work at and am very careful about what I will and won't buy. One never has any selection and has gone right downhill so I've counted it out. Just yesterday when we went to see what was in the LAST store available to us I found the fish were sick, they have a approx. 6" oscar looking scared and pitiful in a tiny 20 long tank, and a blood parrot cichlid with "I LUV U" tattooed on his side!!!
I will NOT be giving them my money from now on!! So now I'm down to very careful selections from work, driving 2 hours round trip when I can, or buying right here at Saltwater.com :joy: Sure it's inconvenient for me but the ONLY way to stop this kind of cruelty is to show them that it's not profitable.


New Member
If you are really want to try this you can get one of those isolation boxes that you can install in your tank with a powerhead for circulation, put your flame in it and introduce the coral beauty, let him (flame) stay in the box for a day or two and then try releasing him back into the tank , this method has had some success. Coral beauty' s tend to be shy around other pygmy angels but will fight with others of it's own kind. Good Luck!


Thanks for all the advice and help. At this point I am just going to let him stay at the pet store for now. Unless I can get another tank real fast.