Flame Angel and Flame Hawkfish

lady becca

Does anyone have these fish in their Reef tank?
I am hearing conflicting stories of their compatibity in a reef with corals.
Some say that they nip and eat the soft corals, other people say they never had any problem with them eating corals.
What experience has anyone here had with these fish?


i dont think so that hawfish will eat the pistols but can eat cleaners
they can also eat small fish i guess like gobies. Melody have hers w/ a neon goby i guess, so she can answers this question better.
You have 50/50 chance on flame angel. Some nip on corals, some doesnt!
If you really want an angel thats completly reef-safe then go w/ genicanthus angels. They are peaceful and reef-safe but they need a bigger tank than dwarfs need