Flame angel and hippo tang


New Member
I have a 90g with very few soft corals in it. I have a 4 in yellow tang which is a bully. I am thinking to add a Flame angel and a hippo tang in. Can anyone tell me is there any problem? Should I pick a similar size hippo tang (3 in) or a smaller size (1-2 in)


Active Member
A YT should almost always be the last fish added. If you are keen on getting more fish , first quarentine the new arrival. Next I would remove the YT and place in seperate tank with water from main tank. Acclimate new fish to main tank . Put YT back into main tank in about 2 weeks. Has waorked for me since it re-estavlishes territorial domain. Hope it works for you. Good luck.


New Member
I don't have a quant tank. Can I use a small kritter keeper (9.25"wx6"dx6.5"h) to put the flame angel there for 2 wks (the keeper will be left inside the 90g tank); then do a swap between the flame and YT?


Active Member
Wouldn't work . The water exchange between the main and the keeper would allow potential parisites or disease to enter into main tank. The idea of Q tank is to isolate the new fish for 2-3 weeks to ensure that all is ok and to be able to treat if needed. You should definatley have one.