flame angel died today


my flame angel died after 6months i had been away at college and only taking care of the tank on weekends and someone else would feed during the week. he almost made it through the semester i thought he would be okay then thursday he didnt want to eat and friday he was looking a bit pale in the face then today he was laying on the bottom:( beautiful fish though just sad i couldnt save him


Sorry to hear that. I hope you'll be able to move on. I guess you should probably be around you tank more to watch the going ons. I too have a Flame (whose in QT tank...doing better) & I hope she doesn't go so soon. I watch my tanks for up to 5 hrs a day, at least 1 hour.


I luv them. They stay out all day...free floating in place. The are brillant in color & very hardy. I am nursing one back who got caught in a powerhead stream & some LR & I upgrade her improvements almost daily. I say get 3 because of the odd number being more successful with possible tank mates/buddies (they don't breed well). They are schooling fish in the wild. The downside is one might get the 'smackdown' if the other 2 work out. Mine have no real aggression towards each other. The occ. 'get-out-of-my-space-in-the-water' type of 'tude with each other. 2 of them actually sleep from time to time like right on top of each other practally, more side by side, but I've never seen this 'bolt-hole' they make. I heard to be careful of scarlet hermits, cause they supposely can eat right through them if they're 'bolted' down for the night. Mine tend to sleep under rock or large space in the LR. You can only find them online though, unless you live near a coastline. I'm guessing because I haven't ever seen any here in Chicago & we're a big city. I got mine from here...great shippers. Again hearty & easy to care & feed for. Good luck