Flame Angel died.

crypt keeper

Active Member
I bought a flame angel about two weeks ago. It had been doing great. It was in QT eating like a champ. Then out of no where developed POP Eye 3 days ago.
I had recently done a water change using sea pure salt water. My QT is only 30 gallons so its cheap fast and easy. I tested all water parems before starting the medication. Trates were around 10ppm but trites and ammonia were fine.
I used Macryn Two. Followed the directions. Applied medication 3 days ago. It ate that day as well. Thats how I noticed the pop eye. Yesterday went by I added more medication like it said to do. I fed and My blueface ate like a monster the Flame didnt eat. Today I got home it was dead.
What do you think? Got home today water still registered exactly the same as it did before the water change except trates came down to barely being able to tell if the color was 0 or 10ppm.
Does pop eye take out fish that fast? The left eye was out a little ways and the right eye had started to haze over. My blueface is fine. I just did another water change to take the medication out and any possible ammonia from the decaying fish.


dunno how fast pop eye can take out a fish but one of my clowns has had a pop eye for over a week now, ive treated for it but no change after 6 treatments.
sorry to hear about the flame angel.