flame angel dosnt want to eat


well i tried a lot of diffrent types of food. marine algea, brine and mysis shrimp, angel formula, and he still dosnt eat.
Is there anything else i can try, its been like 2 weeks now. He dosnt really have any signs of sickness, but hes starting to develop skin errosion which i think is from the malnutrition.


Nope no qt. The thing he is swimming regularly, just getting fairly skinny.
As for the Q tank, do u think he will end up getting stressed and cacthing some type of illness?


The reason for my question is because I was going to suggest you put him into Hypo. A loss of apatite can sometimes be associated with gill flukes or other unseen things within its gills or mouth.
Have you tried soaking your food in garlic? Sometimes that really gets them going again. One last trick that could save your angel if he still won't eat; buy some live brine shrimp and give them a try. Sometimes their movement kickstarts the feeding mode.
Good luck man.