Flame Angel Fish

brian e

New Member
I am looking to purchase a flame angel. The place that I plan on buying it from, offers them from three different locations...The Marshall Islands, Cook Islands and Christmas Islands. I was wondering if there was any difference with there location...ie. how hardy they are or what colorings they have.

brian e

New Member
Hey, thanks alot that will be a help with deciding! I have a bicolor angel in another tank, they are another excellent angel!


Active Member
Wait awhile to add a bi color to a Newly cycled tank---at least 4 months. They need a more mature tank to start in. HTH


just what I remember... christmas island flame angels have the brighter blue/purple and are generally more colourful...
read it somewhere, I dont know if theres any truth to it
Drew :)


I have had much better luck with Flame Angels then I did with my bi-color. The bi-color seemed to be a really picky eater and hid a lot. Maybe I just got a bad angel though.