Flame Angel not eating


My Flame Angel arrived yesterday from SWF.com, unfortunately it is not eating, tried seaweed, brine shrimp, mysis, pellet aswell as flakes, the other tankmates seem to be eating all the food!
Should I just wait and see for few more days?
2 False Percs
1 Bangai Cardinal
1 Yellow Wrasse
and Corals
Water parameters are good


Active Member
Is it picking or grazing the live rock at all? You could try soaking the food in garlic if you don't already.


Originally Posted by jocomaster
My Flame Angel arrived yesterday from SWF.com, unfortunately it is not eating, tried seaweed, brine shrimp, mysis, pellet aswell as flakes, the other tankmates seem to be eating all the food!
Should I just wait and see for few more days?
2 False Percs
1 Bangai Cardinal
1 Yellow Wrasse
and Corals
Water parameters are good
I have a flame from a LFS that started eating the day I put her in. Mine eats pellets, flakes and shrimp. I'd say, yours is still adjusting to its new home. If water is good and other fish are eating, it's more than likely the flame will eventually start to feed also. Believe me, they can eat! G'luck!


Active Member
ya i got a flame angel from here and the first couple days it wouldnt eat anything not even graze but then a couple days later it started grazin then when it was about a week i got it to eat mysis with garlic xtreme(after this it would eat anything...flakes,mysis,pellets,frozen formula 2, marine cuisine, nori sheets) just wait about a week-week and a half maybe 2 and see how it does.