Active Member
Originally Posted by kayak385
Can I put my flame in another tank, then add the corals and other fish and reintroduce my flame into the tank, or would I have to change all my rockwork and everything?(cleanup crew)
I have been told you can do that. How big is your refuge? Stick him there until you are done changing things around and then give it a try. I wouldn't think it would hurt. If refuge is to small then do you have a QT set up?
Can I put my flame in another tank, then add the corals and other fish and reintroduce my flame into the tank, or would I have to change all my rockwork and everything?(cleanup crew)
I have been told you can do that. How big is your refuge? Stick him there until you are done changing things around and then give it a try. I wouldn't think it would hurt. If refuge is to small then do you have a QT set up?