flame angel or coral beauty?


Originally Posted by squirreloso
i have a 55g, a few nano's and a 220 gallon
yellow tangs arent that "hyper"
clown tangs are hyper..yellows in a four foot tank are fine. two more feet of space doesnt make that much of a difference
are you 100% certain that is a russels? if so thats a baby, i dont see it looking like a russells.
by the time that lion grows up (which will take awhile) im sure the poster will upgrade to a larger tank by then, we all do.
so your saying she should get rid of her fish because this board says too?
cajundolphin, your fish are fine for the time being, dont fret over it. people on forums like to tell others what to do often causing more problems that needed.
i for one wouldnt want to catch the lion, bag him and bring him back to the LFS who probably wont even give you credit for him because once its in another tank who knows what it can pick up (parasites etc)
if you want to do that then by all means go for it
I am VERY sure that that is a Russel's, take a look at the fins. Being that the rays are joined together most of the way up, I can hazzard that guess. It is very different from other Lions. Yellow tangs are VERY active fish and cannot stay in a 55 for long. They have to have room to swim. Yes, the two feet make a HUGE difference.