Flame Angel right for me?


Active Member
i have a 9+ month established 40 gallon reef with a false perc,sixlined wrasse, and 3 chromis that i have in qt for a moth that will enter my tank in about 2 weeks.i also have 50 lbs lr.so......
can i get it?
what corals do they tend to nip at?
if i ever upgrade tank is it ok if some fish are added after him?
what precautions should i take with it being other aggressive?


1. yes
2. SPS
3. yes (although its best to add him last)
4. they usually play well with others especially if they're added towards the end


Active Member
I've always thought that angels like tanks that are at least 55 gallons, like tangs.

a short

I had one in an 80 gal and the poor thing just starved to death, litterally. I tried every food imaginable and now should own stock in my LFS. No one bullied he just never would accept food from the day he came in. Online ordered but he was fat and beautifull when he arived like everyone else. Everyone ajusted fine but him. I have read alot that they are caught with cianide which does something to them? My advise would be to get one from local fish store and watch it eat in the store before you purchase it. It was horriable watching my fat fish wast away to a skeleton and die over a few months time
Guess I just got one who missed the ocean to bad to live. I wonder if that size tank with the other fish would just add too much stress on everyone? I have learned the hard way less is more. Why not a baby perc to have a pair? my angel stayed hid all the time so why have it.


Active Member

Originally posted by MrMaroon
That would be a LOT of fish for that size of tank, IMO.

i'll be getting a es5 -2 euro reef skimmer to replace mine now.


I was wondering that too... I love them!!! OCCATIONALY you will get one that nips at soft corals.. like Xenia... Although Ive seen them in SPS systems without any problems... they are really just a 50/50 hit and miss change kinda fish... just be prepared to completly take apart your live rock if you get a bad one!!!
good luck!