Flame Angel Wierd Sleeping behavior.


For those that have/had flame angel(s) or know a lot about them. Have you ever seen them play dead at night time? Only at NIGHT time.
My flame angel occasionally plays dead by lying on its side or in between two PVC's. Somtimes even upside down!!
I freaked out when this happen the first couple times...
This has happen 5 times already while in my 10 gallon QT tank...it's been 6 weeks now.
When I nudge it with a net, it "wakes" up but swims funny until the next day when it's all healthy and active again.
I also did 3 gallon water changes whenever this happens fearing ammonia.
The ammonia is a bit high...@ 0.25 but what is funny is my Flame only plays dead at night time. He is fine and colorful during the day.
I don't think it's the ammonia either, b/c my yellow tang in QT is healthy and not affected.
Have you guys seen this behavior before?
Normal? or should i be worried?


Active Member
my clowns sleep in the same corner every night and sleep verticle to the grown. i think its funny and don't know why they do this either.


yeah sounds like thats how he sleeps. I've read of others thinking their new additions had died but it ended up thier just sleeping.


I literally freaked out the first time i saw him laying flat on the ground and not moving.

I thought after 3 whole weeks and 60 dollars later, i have a dead flame angel :(.
So I went to scoop him out w/ a net, lo' and behold he started moving again.
He has done it 5 times now. I still get a lil' bit worried when he's like that.
But i feel better knowing other fish do the same thing.
Thanks you guys.