Flame Angel


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by aaron101
would you consider a flame angel coral and reef safe?

As a rule yes, but some have nipped at coral, so keep an eye on it if you get it, to see how yours behaves, well fed makes a difference IMO.
I like the Lemonpeel Angel myself.


Flame Angels are one of the best dwarf angels for a reef system. There is always a risk when the word "angelfish" is involved, but it's very minimal with flames, especially if they're well fed with a proper diet designed for angelfish.


Originally Posted by aaron101
what would a good diet be for them flakes and brine shrimp
A good mixture of seaweed/algae stips, mysis, frozen preparations designed for angels that have sponge in the (they must have sponge in their diet), Spirulina Brine Shrimp (regular brine has no value to them really)
keep it mixed up, the more variety, the less likely they are to nip. Most that do nip, do very, very little, almost unnoticeable from what I've personally experienced. I have two dwarfs in my 155, the only time they nip at anything is if the coral is already more than 50% dead (like my beautiful elegance coral
San Francisco Bay Brand makes a frozen prepared food called Emerald Entree, it's great for angels and tangs and also has a lot of meaty food. If you have other fish, one cube of this should feed everyone unless you have a huge stock list like I do


Active Member
Originally Posted by aaron101
alright how hardy are they. Are they a nice fish to have?
They are quite easy, in most systems. IMO & IME; the one big need for Flames is a mature tank with plenty of mature LR. They often don't do well in new tanks.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
They are quite easy, in most systems. IMO & IME; the one big need for Flames is a mature tank with plenty of mature LR. They often don't do well in new tanks.
My flame didn't accept much prepared foods for the first month I had it and basically relied on picking at the rocks for it's nutritional needs.
They are very hardy fish (when they're not placed in a brand new setup). Make sure you see it eat the the LFS if you have a newer tank w/o established rock if you expect to have a good chance with them.
They're great fish to own, add a lot of color to the tank and swim around the rock work all day.


Originally Posted by mrdc
How are flames with tangs especially kole and atlantic blue tangs?
Absolutely fine with one another. Flames are really only aggressive towards other dwarfs, and from what I've experienced, if up against another dwarf, the flame is the docile one.


Active Member
Thanks. Not sure what I am going to get but I would like a game plan the next time I am out shopping. I went out today to just look (which was a mistake) but came back with a very nice piece of live rock that needed in a certain part of my tank. I have a lot of base rock leftover from the tank crash but I think I will just buy live rock as needed. I will slowly build my rock wall back up.
I have always liked the flame and I will get either a kole or atlantic tank but I am in no hurry.


I have had my flame now for about 4 years and he has never nipped at anything except the rock. Very cool fish. Definetely my most active fish. Always swimming in and out of the rock. They are expensive though so make sure everything is perfect in your tank before adding one.