Flame Angel


Right now i have a 25 gal hex set up that just went through its' cycle. So far i have added a fire shrimp, a couple of bluelegs and scarlets, and a pair of peppermints to rid the tank of (apstasia) never really found out how to spell that. The minute i saw a flame angel i fell in love! I want to keep one so bad! The reality is my tank is too small, or so most people would tell me. Is there any way i can keep one successfully? It would be the only fish in the tank besides maybe a perc and thats all.


Active Member
Keeping a flame angel in that tank would be a very bad idea.
A hex is very limited. A 25 long would be easier to keep one in than a hex. I wouldnt keep this fish in anything less than a 75. These fish also need well established tanks to survive. sorry to bring down your hopes, but you wouldnt want to see a fish as beautiful as that suffer.:(


i really already knew i couldnt do it. I wish so bad i had the room to keep a 100gal but space is limited. For now ill have to stick it out with my hex. i really do like it though. i have spent alot of time with lr decorating it and adding plants. its really pretty. hey aarone, by the way are you familiar with the blue hamlet? if so do they stay small or do they grow big?


Active Member
I havent ever had any experience with blue hamlets. Just search aquatic websites. heres a pic for ya though


Active Member
right now all i have is a true perc. I plan on adding a orange stripe prawn goby paired with a pistol shrimp, and maybe a flame hawkfish or a six line wrasse.


don't be discouraged because your tank can't sustain a Flame Angel, Sid. When I got into this hobby I got into it for the soul reason of getting a Lionfish, which hasn't happened.....yet ;).
What happened instead was I got a great deal on a 75 gallon tank with a LOT of well established live rock and I opted for a porc puffer instead, the tank is still too small for the puffer (after he grows up) but I really enjoy him even though he wasn't my first choice.
Look all over this site and at your LFS and even on the web at the many different varieties of fish the ocean has to offer, you will likely find other fish that are just as beautiful.
Good luck and thank you for not trying to put a flame angel in your Hex, you are a good aquarist for recognizing your tanks limitations over your own wants :)


Isnt a Flame Angel a Dwarf Angel?
So that means that a Coral Beauty shouldnt be placed in a tank smaller than a 75g as well? they both grow to same size which is 4".
Now I do agree that the 25g is to small for it, but as long as you have tunnels i think a flame would do fine in a 55g or bigger.