Flame Angle, is this HLLE?


Flame angle isn't looking right, is this HLLE?
IF it is, what can I do? QT him? Vitamin soaked NORI?



THis may help, I noticed this on the FLAME about 2 weeks after I installed a new HOB Hagen filter that uses Active Carbon. I typically never run active carbon, but it seems to be keeping my take pretty clean, but if it's causing problems with the fish, the I will remove it.
Also, just some history. About 1 year ago, I lost two tangs to HLLE, first Hippo Tang, then about 2 months later the Yellow Tang. At this time, I never used Active Carbon, do you think Stray Voltage? That's a topic huh? Nobody really knows :)


Stray voltage could be a concern but I doubt that it would cause HLLE in two weeks time. What do you feed your fish? Can you post your EXACT water readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, SG, and temp?


Sure thing.
PH. 8.2
Sal: 1.024 (refractrometer)
Nitrates .5
Nitrites 0
ammonia 0
Temp 80.5
Feeding is a homebrew of mixed, Brine Shrimp, Nori, Brown Seaweed, Emerald Green cubes (frozen form the fish store, mostly algea), Squid, planton, mysis shrimp, sliversides, and some Vitachem. I ran out of garlic this round, so this 2 months batch doesn't have any.
My main concern is that I lost to previous fish (tangs) to the same issue HLLE and that was about 6-7 months ago, could be a factor. Clown fish are doing great, just this guy.
My tank is about 5 years old.


Active Member
if the system is 5 years old, and you seem to feed your fish better than i eat, it wouldn't hurt to check for stray voltage.


Staff member
Very interesting. Carbon has been known to be culprit in HLLE. I'd suspend using it.


When I first started out I ended up with HLLE in all of my tangs and angels....this was due to alot of bad advice from my local fish store. After losing most all my fish and fixing all my problems I still had a keyhole angel that survived and had alot of facial scarring from the HLLE. The only thing I have found that helps is liquid vitamin C. I add it daily and its been about 6 months and its almost gone. I personally swear by the vitamin C. It also seems to help with fin regeneration. I am sure my success is do to an increase in my water quality...the vitamin c and not overloading my tank plus i also grounded my tanks just in case.(to ground or not to ground your tank is an age old debate) I do run carbon but I only use chemi-pure
good luck with your flame angel and let us know what happens


Active Member
how large is the tank, and if it is a very old tank, have you checked for PO4? phosphates build up in old systems and at very high levels can be harmful to fish. if you dont have corals that are much more sensitive to coral, then there is no way you would know how high it is getting and would have no reason to test for it. high PO4 is the culprit for what used to be termed "old tank syndrome" that would cause old established tanks to get crazy blooms and "crash"


Never thought of testing for PO4.... well this isn't good, went to get my PO4 test kit and well, the PO-1 is all dried up. I threw in a Chemi-Mat, but will pick up a new PO4 kit tomorrow and test it.
I'll post the results.
My corals seemed to be doing OK. Mostly mushrooms and polyps... allthough the greenstar polyps have been hidding for 2 days... something is amiss.


Active Member
i didnt know you had corals, so it probably wont be PO4 because they seem to be ok , for the most part. but when things are not doing well and you dont know what it is, always start with testing for everything you can.