Flame Angle or Yellow Tang-who goes in first?


New Member
In a previous thread, I mentiond I was considering a Flame Angle and a Yellow Tang. The question is, who would go in first? It seems to be a very controversal topic. I would greatly appreciate anybody's opinions or experiences on the subject! Thanx, you guys are so helpful!!

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
My opinion would be the flame angel first. Yellow tangs are little bast$$$s with new entries, and get especially mad at higher priced tankmates... It also depends on your tank size, but yeah go with the flame first.


New Member
-K- Cool! Do ya think I should add the Yellow Tang shortly after the Flame Angle, so it doesn't take complete control over my tank before the Tang gets there? OR Will the Tang be able to hold his own? WHAT DO YA THINK?? By the way thanx a bunch for your input!!


I had my flame angel in the tank and added a sailfin tang. The flame chased him a bit, but all is well now and they both nibble on the Seaweed Selects together. But.....the sailfin might be a little less aggressive than the yellow.


New Member
I think that I've decided to go with the Flame Angle first, then eventully the (small) Yellow Tang. But I'm still very open to suggestions! What do you guys think about my set up?
AGAIN: Set up for 2 yrs., 20 lbs. LR, 55gal., Canister Fliter, Bio-filter, power head and 1 clown, 1 yellow tail damsel, 1 false eye puffer and hopefully the Flame Angle and the Yellow Tang. I want a happy, healthy system, does this sound good, or should I reconsider my additions? Thanx for all your support and insights people!!
Do you plan to have any other fish in your tank? The yellow tang should be the very last fish you add, they are aggressive and will harrass any other fish added after them. In my reef I have 3 yellow tangs and a tomato clown, all the same size. they get along well because they are equally agressive and have plenty of room. Remember the rule is 1" of adult size fish per 5 gallons of tank size. HTH


definitely the angel. I had to removed my tang since he killed my long nose and almost killed my bi color when I had my old tank. I am never getting a yellow tang again since my current tank is suppose to be a peaceful community.


New Member
You guys are the best!! Heavenly Damsel- I don't know if this is gonna do it for my tank!? Do you or anyone else think I could do more than the clown, damsel, puffer, angle and tang, or should this be sufficient? If I did add another it would be my next fish in, followed by the flame angle and yellow tang. Whatcha think fellow fish friends????


I am not a yellow tang fan personally. There are several choices out there that much easier to keep. Sailfin, Purple, Naso depends on the size of your tank. (I forgot to look.)
Anyway go with the Flame first. I would not worry about him harrassing the new Yellow when it is introduced.
Finally make sure you have plenty of grazing materials. Calerpa, algaes etc. Yellows need to graze almost continuously in order to maintain weight. Since I have a FO tank I do not keep yellows for this very reason.


New Member
I have a 55 gal. with 20 lbs. LR. So do ya really think the Purple Tang is an easier fish (vs a Yellow)?? They are absolutly beautiful, I would love to do this fish, but I didn't really think it was avaliable for my particular set up. I would love to know!! Maybe I am being too over caucious with my system, but I'd rather gain the knowledge and then apply it! Thanx