Flame attacked by Yellow Tang - need help


I think my flame angel was attacked by my yellow tang. These two fish have been tank mates for 2 weeks with no problems. They were both introduced to the tank together. I have not seen any agression from the tang against any other fish yet. Last night I noticed the flame was in hiding in the LR and again all day today. He did not come out at dinner time either. I prodded him out with the net and he appears to have lacerations on one side. Also, his bright red color is dulling to white. Could this be from the stress of the attack? I now have him in QT.
What medications are recommended and how long should the QT take?
Any other advise will be appreciated.


Staff member
Tangs use the swords in either side of their rear fins to attack. They can be quite deadly. If not from the wound itself, then from a subsequent bacterial infections caused by the wounds.
Begin treatment with Marcyn Two for SW fish immediately.


Thanks for the med info. Unfortunately the angel did not survive.
Also, upon further inspection of the body, we think the tang was not the culprit but rather our CB shrimp. The wounds were not straight cuts but were more like sections of gauged out scales. We are thinking the attach took place during the night while the angel was asleep in the rocks where our CBS resides. He is very active at night.