Flame Hawk Removal

p fish

I have a flame hawk in my reef 125g and want to removal him and put him in my FO 72g. Can anyone him me on how to catch him and remove him.........thanks.......

coral boy

Good luck i've been trying to catch my spotted hawk for about 2 mounths he is to smart if you catch yours can you tell my how you did it


I guess mine is very curious! I have been trying to catch my Clark's clown for 3 days - (he killed a blue damsel) I am trading him in for a royal gramma and a marroon clown (adding them both at the same time and they are smaller - hopefully they won't be as nasty as the Clark's).
Anyway, I was using a little brine shrimp in a net - the flame hawk basically jumped in the net! And no, they are not starved! Had no luck with the Clown though. Tried a comercial fish trap - hawkfish went right in! The clownfish is a different story though.


I tried for over a month with no avail. I almost caught him by finding where he slept and sneaking up on him late at night while he was asleep. After 3 or 4 nights in a row I gave up. I eventually just took all my LR out. Good luck I know how frustrating it is.


Active Member
Whenever I've had to catch a fish for whatever reason, I get my girlfriend to help me, we usually dont have much trouble. We each have a net, and we corner the fish...if he swims away from my net he will swim towards hers...then he will turn back to me...then her, etc, etc...eventually you should have him cornered to the point where he cant get away...it might take a couple of tries but it always works for me. Worked for catching a sebae clown and a sixline wrasse.


The way i always catch my fish if need be is i set a net up in the tank and wait about 3-5 mins then feed the tank all the fish come out and when the one you want gets near the net just grab it got to be fast but works evertime for me:D


the easy way for me is to put a piece of plastic in the tank to divide it in half or quarters.that way you limit the hiding space.then take out some of the lr