Flame Hawk


New Member
My favorite guy seemed to have jumped out of the tank today. Is that normal for a Flame Hawk?


i've never heard of them doing this. but usually if a fish jumps out of the tank something scared it and might not have enough hiding spots because these guys would rather hide behind something then flip out and go all over the tank.


i"ve had a Arc Eye hawk in my 55 gallon and he never tried to jump out.. sumthin probably spooked ur flame hawk


New Member
thanks for the replys I'am thinkin the cats but they have never messed with the tank EVER . He was such a kool guy he would eat right out of my hand . Also would swim at the top alot when someone was around. Waiting for food.


New Member
don't even get me started. i'm the one that found the flame hawk dried up on the floor behind the tank. can't imagine this guy getting spooked enough to jump out, but he was a pretty hyper fish. keyword: was



Originally posted by vrb115
thanks for the replys I'am thinkin the cats but they have never messed with the tank EVER

I have a hawk fish and 2 cats with a post by the tank because they love to watch the fish, and he is still in the tank, and I don't have a glass top on one side so he could jump if he wanted to. Sorry for your loss


New Member
thanks for feelin my pain. i called my husband sobbing and he was like i feel bad too but you need to calm down.
this is my first tank and this fish was one of 6 total and him and my valentini puffer were/are my favorites.
trying to move on... :mad:


New Member
oh yeah, another thing.
now that the flame hawk is gone (today's only the 2nd day without him) i've noticed last night and tonight that one of the damsels has been bullying the other 2 damsels but doesn't bother the valentini puffer or of course the lawnmower blenny. we have to get a new fish within a few days. we're thinking the niger trigger. i hope this new addtiion will put the bully back in his place like my flame hawk did.


wouldn't get a trigger of any kind. ur tank isn't big enough for them. but if you just want it for a little while there's no harm as long as it is small


the damsel could have chased him right out of the tank. you might want to think about getting rid of all of them "damsels"