Flame Hawkfish Question


Active Member
i know that flame hawks are ambush predators and all but would they be okay with smaller fish in the tank that are smaller? i know my shrimp are at a risk but i dont want it eating other fish.
my stock list is:
clarkii clowns
sixline wrasse
midas blenny
coral beauty
clown goby
the hawk would be the first fish i put in and i dont want it eating the newcomers on my stock list. are any of them at risk? i know that the clown goby might be cause it is so small but what about my other fish? im particularly concerned about the other fish i will add later when they are still babies or juveniles and will be only 1-2" big.


I personally wouldn't put him in with any bottom skippers like the blennys. My flame already forced one clown fish to jump out of my tank. he's a great addition, but had I known what I do now... I probably would have gotten another fish


Active Member
If you put the hawkfish in first you can forget about adding most of those if they are same size or smaller. only the dwarf angel and the clowns stand a chance of not being intimidated. If the midas blenny and sixline are there first they will usually hold their own. you still dont want the midas smaller than the hawk. the sixline can be a little smaller but not dwarfed. Forget the firefish and clown goby if you want a hawkfish. clown gobies perch on coral just like hawkfish and thats harrassment waiting to happen. almost every fish in your list is a possibility to harrass the firefish especially the sixline and midas blenny (mine faught much bigger male lyretail anthias regularly). the firefish (or clown goby) HAS to be the first fish to stand any chance.
the proper order of introduction should be:
clown goby (for eating/adapting purposes)
midas blenny
coral beauty


Active Member
thanks for the replies. i will put the hawk in last..if even at all. i was looking for a red fish and i was thinking about the hawk because of its personality. the 2 firefish i want are half red though so that will work.


If you decide against the flame hawk but really want a red fish, the flame angel is beautiful. I wish I went for it instead! They have a very vibrant red color just like the flame hawkfish does.


Active Member
i was just thinking about one of those guys...but i cant decide between the coral beauty and the flame angel. hmmm...hard decision


Originally Posted by gio28
i know that flame hawks are ambush predators and all but would they be okay with smaller fish in the tank that are smaller? i know my shrimp are at a risk but i dont want it eating other fish.
my stock list is:
clarkii clowns
sixline wrasse
midas blenny
coral beauty
clown goby
the hawk would be the first fish i put in and i dont want it eating the newcomers on my stock list. are any of them at risk? i know that the clown goby might be cause it is so small but what about my other fish? im particularly concerned about the other fish i will add later when they are still babies or juveniles and will be only 1-2" big.
I've had my medium to large size Flame in with my yellow watchman and and a small neon goby for over a year now. No aggression towards them at all. The only thing he has ever gone after is a peppermint shrimp. My Flame is my oldest fish. The watchman and neon were added over time.

pastor b.

Dear hobbyist, the Hawk fish will eat any fish that is smaller than itself. I wouldn't recommend placing any fish into the same tank that's capable of becoming an easy meal..Hawk fish do well with fish which are similar in size. Enjoy the hobby .


Active Member
hmmm...i dont want to take any chances with the flame eating my fish...but those guys seem really cool. im not sure what im gonna do. my main concern is for the clown goby and firefish cause i think everything else will be ok.


Originally Posted by Pastor B.
Dear hobbyist, the Hawk fish will eat any fish that is smaller than itself. I wouldn't recommend placing any fish into the same tank that's capable of becoming an easy meal..Hawk fish do well with fish which are similar in size. Enjoy the hobby .
Not true! Have you owned a Flamehawk??


Originally Posted by gio28
hmmm...i dont want to take any chances with the flame eating my fish...but those guys seem really cool. im not sure what im gonna do. my main concern is for the clown goby and firefish cause i think everything else will be ok.
You could aways just get a small Flame if your concerned. If the previous post were true I wouldn't have any fish in my tank other than the Flame. He is by far my biggest fish. I've had him for several years, and he has always been surrounded by smaller fish.


Active Member
i might try out the hawk because i really want to have one of these guys...he would be the first fish i add to my tank. i do have a cleaner shrimp so thats always a risk but i've not heard that many stories about them eating cleaner shrimp since they are bigger than peppermint shrimp. hopefully the one i ordered ....2 months ago...will come soon and he will be small.


New Member
My flame hawk was added after my six line wrasse they got into it right off then after a few days they chilled out. I recently added a lawnmower blenny and a diamong goby and the hawk chases them on ocasion


Active Member
is your hawk ever aggressive enough to cause stress or does he just get into it sometimes where he picks on the fish?


New Member
since the six line is gone rip he gets along well with the
yellow tang
valintini puffer
the diamond goby is a little skinny and stays at one end of the tank near his hole
the lawn mower will just swim away and continue to eat
the six line is what he had the most problem


New Member
oh yea i also had a clarki that had to go back because it ate the tail off of my coral beauty which has since grown back


Active Member
ok cool thanks. i think im gonna give him a shot if he ever arrives at my LFS. i was looking into getting a pair of clarkii clowns...and a coral beauty lol. since you had both...you said the clown ate the coral beauty's tail? are they usually aggressive like that?


New Member
my clarki had been in the tank for some time and would pick on everything new added to the tank and got worse the bigger it got. i have had alot of people say that they are mean perhaps you could look into a less aggresive clown not sure which ones but there are some that are nicer. I was told by one fs that clarkis are part of the damsel family noy sure how true that is


New Member
i will have to say that my hawk is one of the most entertianing fish in the tank it will swim over tome or the wife when ever we goto the tank and in a way beg for food and it is a pig it will scarf up anything it can get into its mouth


Active Member
haha thats exactly why i want one. they seem like great fish.
i might reconsider getting the clarkii clowns because my tank is more of a peaceful community one that i am planning.