Flame Hawkfish Question


I think these fish are really cool, but how "peaceful" are they really?
I will be putting in a order to SWF.com for some snails, Lemon Peel angel, some coral, and want to add a Flame Hawkfish.
Will this fish pick on any of the fish above and the GSM clown and 6 line I have already in the tank. I also read that hawfish may eat small shrimp. I have a cleaner shrimp in my tank now, that is pretty large. Do you think he will get killed?
Thanks for the help! :)


Active Member
Putting a flame hawk in with cleaner shrimp is not a good idea. There are a few members here who have done it without problems, but I think more often than not, they will eat the cleaner shrimp.


Thats what I thought. SWF.com's description of this fish is peaceful and may eat small shrimp. My cleaner shrimp is about 3.5" - 4" in length, and was hoping he would be too big to pick on. :)


My flame hawk coexisted with two cleaner shrimpr for almost 8 months before he woke up one day and decided to have shrimp for lunch.

reef fool

Active Member
Had a flame hawk in my tank for 3-4 weeks before he decided to eat my cleaner shrimp! The shrimp was 3-4" the fish was under 3"!


Thank you all for the advice. I will just purchase the angel and some corals for now.
Maybe when the shrimp dies of old age, I will then add the flame hawk. :)
Thanks again!