Flame Hawkfish, urgent help needed!!


New Member
I got him last sunday, and he was fine.. swimming around, but we noticed he was breathing a bit fast... but he was eating a lot, so we thought he was okay. Now today i walk in, and his eyes are slightly cloudy and they can't move! even food floating by or fish swimming or my finger moving in front of his face won't make them move.. and he's at the bottom of the tank, breathing heavily and has been in around the same spot for two hours or so.... I don't know what he has, he's in a 55 gallon tank with a tomato clown, yellowtail damsel and a 4 inch bowtie damsel that seem to leave him alone. except the tomato clown has bitten his tail twice, but not very seriously, when he perched on the tomato's conch. his tail has been growing back a bit... he doesnt have any white ich spots, or anything noticible... just breathing hard and cloudy, non-movable eyes... What should i do??
Also i tested the water for PH, nitrites, nitrates, even alkalinity and they were fine. I'll try to post a picture of him when I can.


Staff member
Are the eyes swollen at all, or just cloudy.
Likely the onset of ich.