Flame Hawkfish


Are they a decent fish to have? I was possibly thinking about getting one, there are usually a few at my LFS and i think the way they look at me they are telling me ...TAKE ME HOME...
Just kidding but, i wanted to hear from some people with these fish to see how they are with some inverts and other fish and things...


Active Member
I have never seen mine bother any of my inverts. He will come up and sit in my hand and eat....Mine Twinspot Wrasse didnt like the Hawk much but I dont have that wrasse anymore...

jonny bolt

My friend had one of those. He didnt like it. It stayed perched in one spot up in the corner of the tank for a week or 2, then it died. I think it came sick from the LFS, but even knowing that, my friend just said it wasnt a very cool fish. Oh well.


flames are one of my favorite fish.. its really cool because they will just perch and stare at you... only thing with them is that they attack any types of shrimps..i have lost a couple cleaners from them
but otherwise very cool fish


Flamey (yes I named him) is by far the favorite of everyone who has seen my reef. I also have the luxury of a Flame Hawk who will perch in my hand.
Flame Hawks are very personable, and will interact with humans. GET ONE!!