flame scallop ns. turbo snail



my turbo snail fell off the wall and is now lodged in the flame scallop's mouth
the flame scallop can't seem to get him out
should i let the scallop try to expell him (wich i feel is a little doubtful)
or should i help out
how can i even help... the scallop is ancored to the wall


Active Member
Yes try to get the snail out, flame scallops cannot eat anything that large and if the snail doesnt get out it could kill the scallop.


i got the snail out but now the flame scallop doesn't look too good
hey the flame scallop has been doing well for 3 months


Active Member
Originally Posted by jamiegrl
i got the snail out but now the flame scallop doesn't look too good
hey the flame scallop has been doing well for 3 months
Unfortunatly they require frequent feedings and for the amount of food offered they dont consume a whole lot of it. So, now your faced with over feeding your tank or slowly starving your scallop. IMO unavoidable in a small tank, and even harder in a large one as they tend to move to places not easily accessible.