Hi no special lighting, actually They like dark areas any ways so lighting is not an issue. I feed liquid food for inverts, & anemones three times a week and do 10% water changes about once a week, I add calcium and Kents essential elements...they, need very good water quality and water flow because they are filter feeders. I have been keeping fish for about 20 years, although saltwater is new to me, it's all the same concept good filtration, water flow & quality and mimic their enviroment as much as you can. I did do some research on them but like I said can't really find much on behavior..just feeding and requirements. I'm thinking that it has spawned, but wanted some others opinions on this. Go ahead and get one if you want it, they make an interesting addition as long as you don't have fish that tend to pick on every thing in your tank...most of what i have read on other people's experience on keeping them is some fish will pick on them until they kill them. I have only one small damsel in there with him and he could care less about him, I know damsel's are aggressive but mine is the exception he is really docile. They will spit water when they are scared, the first time mine did that it scared me! I was cleaning the tank, and at the time he was by the filter like in the picture, and part of him was sticking out of the water and I happened to touch him and it spit water clear across the tank at me! Very good shot hit me right in the face! If anyone could help me out with finding more info on reproduction and behavior I'd appreciate it, thanks for your comments.