I got one last night, put him in and he was there in all his glory..then this morning he is GONE..not a sign of him, no shell no nothing, what happen??
I have 2 of them in my 100 galon. one of the two I have every once in a while will move through the rock work and swim arround to find a better place for himself. they like caves and overhangs where the light is not as bright. he probably is in there somewhere. if you have alot of rockwork they can hide pretty good and wedge in where it's hare to find them. hope this will help.
last time I lost mine he was in the back behind the rock work. the other always hangs out right up front but the one is in the back of the tank behind rock work so unless you knew he was there he would be hard to find.
Originally Posted by AngryCrab
I guess i will go with Elvis
I dont have a lot of rock, about 115lbs in a 75 tank. I guess I will keep looking..
You dont have a lot of rock...115lbs in a 75 gallon tank is a good amount of rock.
Flame scallops need lots of plankton food.
That being said, they do move around alot, and I don't suggest moving them too much (too cut down on stress).