Flame Scallop


Can anyone provide some information on this. How to feed? Are they good for a reef? Tank requirements?
Fish :D


Personally I do not like them. I had one for about a day, and then I gave it away. They move around in the tank a lot and they tend to mess everything up in the tank. But I guess it is up to you.
Good luck
We, have two of them, a flame, and a white, only feed Bio plankton or DTS,. Yes they will move around very wildly , but if you have live rock and are willing to except that they can knock stuff off, they will find a home on your live rock, Mine have made home in small crevice of live rock , IN DIRECT water current and have not moved since , I do like them you can look on my profile to my web pag and see under scallups, cya :)


I don't feed mine he has been doing great for 3 months with just the coepodes in my tank. They are filter feeders and like semi-fast current from my obsevations. It moves around until it find a place it likes then stays there for weeks. They do like to move every now and then but mine has never bothered my corals or anenomes. The only problem is they do not have a long life span in the aquarium.
HTH Darryl


They also need good water conditions the same as a coral.
I have heard they help lower nitrates but I am not sure of that. Just a rumor as far as I am concerned....


I have only been in this hobby for a few months now, so if I can keep a flame you can too! (I have a 40gal) Like the others said, the scallop will calm down after they find a "home"...mine is always trying to get further and further under rock. I never feed mine anything specific/directly....I just feed the tank brine shrimp and silversides. They're cheap and look great, get a couple! :D
[ April 24, 2001: Message edited by: JohnnySalt ]


I too have a scallop and I love him/her. It did move around at first, but has now found a nice corner between my lr and glass and seems very happy. I don't directly feed mine, he just seems satisfied with the frozen foods. So far he has been with us for about 3 months. Good luck.
Playtime :D


I've read that scallops are hard to keep but this is true that they are cheap. From the book that I read, if you don't feed it often then it will die after a few months. I don't know the life span of a scallop but if they find there way to the back of the tank then they will eventually die. I've decided to take the challenge and see if I can keep one living for more than a few months. I feed it brine shrimp every day a hope that it gets it's share. Good luck to all.


Active Member
Little off the subject, but I saw some electric flame scallops today. If you look really closely at their mantle on the inside there is a little stream of current that emits a a flash of light. looks like a live wire inside the scallop. They were also $25 compared to the regular ones that go for $5. I wanted to get a couple but all the ones i have seen in captivity ended up finding a spot they like in the back of the tank where they are very hard to see, although I only know a few people who have them so this probably isnt true in all cases.


I recently added an electric scallop to my tank, and since his addition the little sucker has gotten very big. My maroon clown would easily fit inside his mouth, and I think my juevenile blue angel could squeeze in too. Luckily, he found a home right in between an arch in my LR and faces the front of the tank, his mouth wide open and his little red tentacles flowing wildy. Some of them have to be 6" or more in length. I got mine for aroun $10 and it adds a lot of collor to the tank, especially when it does its little light show. Looks like small blue lightning shooting across its mouth.