flat redding flaky looking things


there too small for me to take a pic of. but they're reddish in color, flat, kinda oblong, and there hanging out on some of my rock and around my zoo's. i thouhgt there were some fish food flakes at first till i looked closer and saw them move.. are they flat worms? and what do i do about em?


Active Member
With the numbers you seem to have, you could in theory do nothing. It doesn't look too bad. On the other hand, they may multiply and you'll have a real problem.
Salifert makes a product called Flatworm Exit. It works, and it's safe for reef use when applied correctly. The drawback to it is that flatworms can exhause a toxic compound when they die, and if you kill huge numbers of them at once, it can impact your system, so you need to be prepared to do a big water change before even getting started.


get a small syringe and suck them out after you use the chemical to kill them. and then do the water change. you may have to do this a couple times to get them all out.


thanks guys, well since i didnt see all that many of em, i just went to walmart and bought a turkey baster and tried to suck out as many as i could... i blew a couple around and my clown promptly ate them, hes a pig.. anyways, it that gonna beharmful to him??


Originally Posted by Darknes
He will be fine.
I hope you got them all.

doubt it, but i didnt see any, i blew so much ---- all over my tank though, what a pain!!
what kind of damage do they do anyways, besides being an eye sore?? and how the hell did they get in my tank!!